Terms & Conditions

Privacy Policy / Terms Of Service

Web Site Terms and Conditions of Use

Pesquera Achernar S.A.S. certifies that your data is confidential and that it will be passed on to third parties under no circumstances.
Preliminary considerations

Pesquera Achernar S.A.S. wants to guarantee all the rights related to the privacy of our users and to assume the requirements that mark the current legislation in each moment in the matter of protection of data (Organic Law 15/1999, December 13, of Protection of Data of Personal Character, B. O.E. 14/12/1999, and in Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, B.O.E. 12/07/2002, Regulation (E.U.) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27 2016, and other applicable legislation).

In this way, if you decide to use the forms of Pesquera Achernar S.A.S., we will request the data strictly necessary for the achievement of the purpose for which this section of the web is intended, which is none other than to facilitate communication between the users and Pesquera Achernar S.A.S.: to inform about news, novelties and promotions. For this purpose, we will require, as a minimum, personal data, such as company, name, surname, e-mail, telephone, fax, and mobile.
Your data will be processed solely to achieve these objectives.
By clicking "SEND" on the form, the user consents to process these data to fulfil the service.
Communication by e-mail
From Pesquera Achernar S.A.S., we want our users to be able to know through e-mail in a fast, personal and accessible way the news, novelties and promotions of our company.
For this reason, Pesquera Achernar S.A.S. only sends, exclusively to the users who have previously authorised it, a report of the aspects related to news, novelties and promotions associated with our establishment and other information that is considered of interest to the users and circumstantially, other services that Pesquera Achernar S.A.S. considers of interest although they are not our own.
We understand that you grant the authorisation foreseen in the previous paragraph when, at the same time that you request and fill in the data in the contact form, Pesquera Achernar S.A.S. duly informs you about the possibility of sending news and the user does not object.
Pesquera Achernar S.A.S. establishes the primary mechanism by which users who request it can be excluded from this service in a simple and accessible way. To do this, the user has to send an e-mail from the account where they receive the information from Pesquera Achernar S.A.S., with the subject: REMOVE. This explanation will also appear detailed at the bottom of all e-mails sent from Pesquera Achernar S.A.S.

Consent of the user
The personal details of our users are stored in the database property of Pesquera Achernar S.A.S., which guarantees the appropriate means of technical and structural character to prevent the integrity and the security of the personal information you provide.
The data collected are adequate, pertinent and not excessive about the scope, the purposes and the determined, explicit and legitimate services of Pesquera Achernar S.A.S. These data will not be accessible, nor will they be given for exploitation to third companies. In this sense, Pesquera Achernar S.A.S. undertakes not to reveal any of these data or share them with other companies.
Right of Opposition, Correction and Updating of Data
The user has the right to access this information, rectify it if the data is incorrect, and unsubscribe from the file. In this last case, Pesquera Achernar S.A.S. loses the information automatically.
ICANN - Rights and Responsibilities of Registrants Under the Registrar Accreditation Agreement 2009

Cookies policy
This website uses its own and third-party cookies to offer a better service. If you continue browsing, we consider that you accept their use. You will find more information in our Cookies Policy.
Below, we provide detailed information on the types of cookies used on achernar.com:
Cookies are a tool used by Web servers to store and retrieve information about their visitors, allowing us to identify you during your online visit to Pesquera Achernar S.A.S. It is a unique identifier, in the form of a text file, that some servers send to the user's device, thus improving both the quality and security of the website. You should bear in mind that cookies cannot damage your computer; furthermore, the fact that they are activated helps us identify and resolve errors. They have an expiry date, which can range from the duration of the session to a specified future date, after which they cease to be operational.
Analytical Cookies: These have a periodic maintenance purpose, guaranteeing the best possible service to the user and compiling statistical data on the activity.
Strictly necessary cookies: those that facilitate correct browsing, allowing the payment of goods or services requested by the user, or cookies that ensure that the website's content loads correctly.
Third-party cookies: those used by social networks or external content complements. They allow the user to provide information from our website on other pages.
How to modify the configuration of cookies
You can restrict, block or delete cookies from www.achernar.com or any other website using your browser. In each browser, the operation is different; the 'Help' function will show you how to do this.
Internet Explorer: windows.microsoft.com/en-xl/internet-explorer/delete-manage-cookies#ie="ie-10".
Firefox: support.mozilla.org/kb/Delete%20cookies
Chrome: support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl="en"
Safari: www.apple.com/es/privacy/use-of-cookies/
In addition, you can also manage the cookie store in your browser using tools such as the following:
Ghostery: www.ghostery.com/
Your online choices: www.youronlinechoices.com/es/